Business Economics & Management 2023-2024

BEM510.2610.0 Quantitative Methods (6.0 ECTS)
09 Oct 2023 - 03 Nov 2023Content:
Introduction to Statistics
Mathematics for decision making
BEM520.1910.0 Economics of Resource Allocation (9.0 ECTS)
06 Nov 2023 - 26 Jan 2024Content:
Introduction to Market Economics
Supply and demand theory - market models
Resource and welfare economics
BEM530.2908.0 Business Economics (9.0 ECTS)
18 Dec 2023 - 19 Feb 2024Content:
Price analysis
Market structure
Econometrics and time series analysis
BEM540.1606.0 Operational Management Methods (6.0 ECTS)
22 Jan 2024 - 01 Mar 2024Content:
Operations research
Principles of management
BEM560.21513.0 Management - Marketing I (15.0 ECTS)
15 Apr 2024 - 05 Jul 2024Content:
Strategic management
Agricultural marketing
Agro-food Policy and CAP
Management of business cooperatives
BEM500.1312.0 Extended Essay (3.0 ECTS)
22 Apr 2024 - 30 Jun 2024Content:
Extended Essay
BEM550.31214.1 Financial Investment Decisions Making (12.0 ECTS)
04 Mar 2024 - 12 Apr 2024Content:
Financial management
Theory and applications of cost-benefit analysis