Integrated Plant Protection as an Answer to Climate Change
January 2022 - December 2023INPACT is developing user-friendly training materials for farmers and agricultural stakeholders detailing environmentally-friendly methods to protect crops against emerging pests becoming prevalent in the region due to the effects of climate change. The project presents state-of-the-art technologies in formats that are simple to understand using graphics and videos, and is a cooperation between partners in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Poland and Romania.
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Management actions to achieve Favourable Conservation Status for the priority plant species of the Habitats Directive Androcymbium rechingeri Greuter (1842) in Greece
April 2020 - August 2022The plant Androcymbium rechingeri is characterised as threatened at national and international level. In Crete it is found in 4 localities in West Crete.
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METROFOOD-RI Preparatory Phase Project
January 2021 - December 2022METROFOOD-RI is a distributed-Research Infrastructure for promoting Metrology in Food and Nutrition
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Conservation of the unique population of Horstrissea dolinicola in central Crete
May 2020 - December 2022Horstrissea dolinicola is an endemic plant of Crete which is found only in a restricted area at the location “Petradolakia” in Psiloritis mountain at an altitude of 1500 m. It has been categorized as Critically Endangered
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ECOlogical VINEyards GOvernance Activities for Landscape’s Strategies
March 2020 - August 2022The Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (CIHEAM MAICh) is a partner and work package leader in the project ECOVINEGOALS - ECOlogical VINEyards GOvernance Activities for Landscape’s Strategies, funded by the INTERREG V-B Adriatic-Ionian (ADRION) Programme 2014-2020
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