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ECOlogical VINEyards GOvernance Activities for Landscape’s Strategies

March 2020 - August 2022


ECOlogical VINEyards GOvernance Activities for Landscape’s Strategies, ECOVINEGOALS

INTERREG V-B Adriatic-Ionian (ADRION) Programme 2014-2020

Supporting Agroecological Transition in Adriatic-Ionian Viticulture

Viticulture constitutes one of the most important economic sectors of the ADRION region, exerting a major impact on territorial capital and regional resources. ECOVINEGOALS promotes sustainability and resilience in the winemaking industry by encouraging the transition of intensive viticulture towards agroecological management systems that protect natural habitats and landscapes, and reduces chemical and fossil fuel inputs and harmful emissions. The project also aims to enhance stakeholder skills in participatory local governance, to strengthen transnational cooperation and provide specific transnational instruments to promote, support and manage the agroecological transition. Together, these actions will address environmental vulnerability, promote ecosystem services, act to prevent social conflicts in land use and mitigate climate change.

With a total budget of € 1,939,505.59 Euros and a contribution of EUR 1,648,579.75 ERDF and IPA through the Adrion program, this 30-month project unites the expertise of 10 partner institutions from 6 different countries. Project activities are coordinated by the lead partner LAG Eastern Venice, VEGAL, Italy, with other partners from Italy: the Autonomous Province of Trento, PAT, Slovenia: the Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry - Institute of Agriculture and Forestry Nova Gorica, and the Research Centre of the Academy of Sciences and Arts, Croatia: the Agency for Rural Development of Istria Ltd., Pazin and the Association for the Promotion of Employment/INFORMO, Serbia: the Kragujevac Business Development Centre, Montenegro: the Foundation Business Start-up Centre of Bar, and the Municipality of Bar, and Greece: the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania. In addition, a further 9 organisations located in Italy, Greece, Montenegro and Belgium will act as associate partners.

Lead partner: LAG Eastern Venice, VEGAL, Italy
Programme call: INTEREG V-B Adriatic-Ionian ADRION
Project number: 866
Programme priority axis: 2